An owner or executive might think they know the cause of performance problems, when in reality, they are aware of mere symptoms. The underlying cause may be greater and more severe than any one individual realizes. On the other hand, the challenge may be far simpler or isolated than they assume. The key is to not assume, but to assess.

Often times, a company experiences performance issues or people challenges, but leaders do not know the cause.

An assessment is the first step a team takes in creating a Purposed Performance culture. This step allows The Tappe Group to:

  • Observe the current reality of an organization so that we can help you move forward in a purposed direction.

  • Get to know the individuals that will be critical in transforming the culture.

  • Invite those individuals to give their input and share any concerns they might have.

Contact us so that we can help you assess your current reality and move toward the future you want to create.